Dr. Chris M. Law
Accessibility Track Consulting, LLC
Innovative projects with and for the accessibility community
Industry Consensus Standards for Accessibility Test Reporting
There is no common way of reporting on whether consumer technologies are accessible to people with disabilities. We are creating a clear and standard way to report accessibility test results for all consumer products, websites, mobile apps, and other technologies.
Chris Law has founded and now leads the nonprofit member organization to achieve this goal.
Find out more, and join us in defining new standards at StandardARI.org.
The Annual ICT
Accessibiliy Testing Symposium
The only annual conference dedicated to accessibility testing of digital content, covering test tools, processes, and program management.
Since 2016, this Accessibility Track event has been chaired and coordinated by Chris Law, with the support of a 30+ member event and peer review committee.
- 125 attendees per year (average)
- 68 peer reviewed papers published in the online + print proceedings
- 9 invited and peer reviewed panels
- 19 peer reviewed workshops and courses
- DC (2016, 17, 18, 19), Online (2020, 22), and Hybrid DC/Online (2023)
Past Projects
The Annual Digital
Accessibility Legal Summit
As a response to the plethora of digital accessibility lawsuits, this event featured discussion and talks by leading figures from the accessibility and legal fields.
- 82 attendees per year (average)
- 20 separate invited talks
- 3 invited panel discussions
- 2 Training Courses
- Anaheim (2019), Online (2020), Online via American University Washington College of Law (2021), Online (2022)
The Accessibility Switchboard Information and Guidance Portal
A resource site was set up to help accessibility newcomers and seasoned professionals improve their programs.
This National Federation of the Blind project was developed and managed by Chris Law, with the support of 35+ Community of Practice reviewer & contributor organizations.
- 15 Guides for industry, education, government and consumers
- 15 Short articles on key concepts
- Resources and Support
The Digital Accessibility Legal Digest Volume I & II: Practice Updates, Guidance and Resources
For practitioners engaged in digital accessibility legal work. A digest from the first and second annual Digital Accessibility Legal Summits, March 2019, Anaheim, CA, and June 2020, Online
Edited by Dr. Chris M. Law
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“A very useful legal resource that serves as an excellent primer for professionals who want to know the legal side of accessibility. No other accessibility publication has this amount of accessibility legal resources and accessibility legal thought leadership. You will find yourself referring to this digest often.”
Jack McElaney: VP of Sales & Marketing at Microassist & Curator of Accessibility in the News
Responding to Accessibility Issues in Business
Chris Law’s Doctoral Thesis at the School of Business Information Technology, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (February 2010)
The first study to answer the research question, ‘What organizational factors are involved in successfully addressing the needs of customers with disabilities in the design, development and delivery of products and services?’.
The seven organizational success factors resulting from the study—and presented in 2010—are still just as relevant today as when they were first published: (1) adopting the social model of disability; (2) establishing executive-level backing; (3) establishing accessibility as a priority on the agenda; (4) taking a planned, proactive approach; (5) making accessibility a shared task; (6) providing enabling resources; and (7) providing sources of accessibility expertise.